
Women’s Embodiment Coach


Women’s Embodiment Coach

I empower you to connect with your body and mind so you can discover your true pleasure, power and purpose.

I truly believe that it is from this place that you can experience greater intimacy and connection with yourself, your relationships and your work in the world.

My coaching is informed by 20 years of practicing and teaching embodiment practices including yoga, somatic movement, meditation and breathwork.

I support my clients by holding space for them to connect with all the parts of their physical, mental, emotional self through embodied enquiry, neuroscience and positive psychology and gentle somatic movement, breathwork and visualisation so you become aware of what is holding you back from accomplishing their goals and living their true potential.

Embodiment Coaching is for women:

  • Who want to live a heart-led purpose filled life

  • Who yearn to move from mind led doing to body led flow and being

  • Who acknowledge their unique gifts and talents and want to share them with the world

  • Who are ready to make their lived experience and wisdom a superpower

  • Who want to cultivate deeper intimacy and connection with themselves and others

  • Who want to claim their power and place in the world without apology

  • Who want to invite sensual aliveness into their everyday life

  • Who want to make the next chapter, their best chapter

Who want to take their seat in the magnificence of midlife


What is Embodiment?

Embodiment means having a felt sense of the different aspects that make up your unique experience of being human (physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual). It is a deeply intimate and personal journey that requires constant practice of tracking and distinguishing “what’s what” to give you greater access to the parts of yourself that long to be acknowledged or expressed.  It is an invitation to befriend your body and attend to cues for resourcing and regulating through nourishment, relaxation, sensory awareness, movement and pleasure.

The stress, anxiety and overwhelm we face daily in a culture that prioritises productivity leads to discomfort, numbing, disconnecting from your body. Engaging with embodiment practices opens up a compassionate dialogue with your inner world of sensations, emotions and feelings bringing your whole body online and present.

Do you want to live your life in full colour?

So often as we move through midlife we dim our shine to suit those around us. This can be a subconscious choice made without our even realising.

We may choose to be caregivers, seeing to the needs of everyone around us perhaps at the expense of our own happiness. We may give up hobbies we love due to a lack of time, because we don’t prioritise ourselves. Our own self-care may fall to the end of the list. We lose of our sense of identity and long for the vibrant parts of ourselves.

Now is the time to live your life on your terms. To rediscover yourself and who you truly are without fear of judgement or rejection. Whether it’s a solo trip around the world, a business you have dreamed of starting, a new relationship or that fabulous outfit you never dared to wear.

This is my invitation to take your seat in the rich and colourful tapestry of midlife you can create for yourself.


When you do this you experience:

  • Creativity and Flow in every aspect of your life

  • Increased confidence and self-esteem

  • Know and accept yourself from a place of truth

  • Acquire self mastery over your life

  • Radiate the magnificence of midlife

  • Truly own your pleasure, power and purpose in a BODY FULL way


Get your free awaken pleasure checklist

Create a practice of connection to your body and awakening the innate pleasure that resides within you.


Work With Me

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Resource, Reconnect & Reclaim

One to One Coaching

I hold space for you to reclaim all the parts of yourself that may have been hidden, forgotten, unseen or unheard - giving them a voice and making them a part of the midlife story you rewrite for yourself.

Coaching with me will help you live in alignment with your values so that you can move forward from what is holding you back and owning your pleasure, power and purpose from a truly embodied place.

Coaching with me will help you to feel more, connect more and become more of the woman you were always meant to be.

Coaching with me will bring you home to your body.

Coaching with me will give you deeper and more profound access to your heart’s deepest desire and how you want to show up in the world.


The minimum package I offer is three months at a cost of US$3,000 with a payment plan available at US$1,150 per month. You may of course always extend your journey with me by adding further months at my monthly rate.


  • Three months of weekly one to one coaching calls

  • 3 personalised recorded embodiment practices

  • Free access to my monthly Non-Linear Movement Method sessions

  • You also receive a 10% discount off my group coaching and wellness retreat programs


Awakening Pathways to Pleasure

Group Coaching Journey


An intimate 12-week group coaching journey where I will share with you simple tried and tested embodiment practices, tools and wisdom that will deeply connect you to the innate sensuality and pleasure in your body 

Discover what it takes to drop insecurity and shyness about your changing body, so that you can feel confident in accessing and owning your true desires, shame-free 

Learn about the pleasure that’s already deep within you, and discover practical ways to access it (and amplify it) just for you 

Discover how to unleash and enhance your orgasmic potential so that you experience more fulfilment and satisfaction  

Learn how to generate more sexual energy so that you don’t feel depleted and instead feel lit up, nourished and enlivened (and pleasure/intimacy no longer feels like a chore) 

At the end of our journey together you will be equipped with simple, practical tools to initiate true change and own your pleasure, passion and purpose in midlife and beyond.

What’s included?

  • Biweekly 2 hr group coaching calls via zoom

  • Embodiment Practices to awaken sensuality and pleasure

  • Weekly Facebook live Q & A sessions

  • Free 30 minute one to one coaching session with me

  • Facebook group for community and connection

  • Bonus Embodying Sexual Confidence Session

Investment: USD $1,500

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Menopause in the Workplace

Every woman in the workplace transitions through the menopause in her own unique way.

 In the US, the average age is 51, although it can be earlier or later than this depending on genetics or other health factors. Many women struggle with physical and psychological perimenopause symptoms for up to a decade before they reach menopause.

Menopausal-aged women are the fastest-growing workforce demographic, and their experience, talents and skills contribute to a diverse and productive work culture.

Recent research from the United Kingdom revealed that 62% of women report their symptoms negatively affect their ability to carry out their day to day work; 70% of women are not reporting to employers they are experiencing menopause symptoms that are causing them to miss work; 58% of women have taken sick days because of menopause symptoms.

Menopause is an unspoken and unaddressed issue in the workplace and there is little awareness of the impact it can have on a woman. The majority of employers lack the knowledge or resources to support female team members.

It is my mission to provide employers with the expertise, education and support to make your workplace

  • menopause friendly

  • retain your top female talent

  • boost employee performance

  • create a culture of diversity and inclusivity 

As a Life Coach & Menopause Mentor I:

  • Provide 1-1 and group coaching support for female team members

  • Lead Educational workshops and toolkits to improve mental and physical health, nutrition and work-life balance

  • Support company wide menopause policy guidance in line with your values

  • Train line managers to understand and recognise menopause symptoms

  • Normalize informed conversations about menopause

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Throughout history we have gathered to honour our experience as women, to empower each other and share wisdom. These safe and sacred collective gatherings can be incredibly supportive especially as we navigate the unfamiliar landscapes of fluctuating emotions and physical sensations in perimenopause, menopause and beyond.

The time is now to embrace this natural and life-affirming transition and to connect with the rich and multi-layered aspects of being female. Knowing that you are not alone and that you are innately equipped with the resources and wisdom to move into the remembrance that you are whole is incredibly life-affirming. 

I hold regular women’s workshops, circles and retreats to inspire women to trust their body’s wisdom, resource for emotional resilience, learn practical tools to help them navigate change and the menopause transition and find community and connection in our unique and shared experience of midlife.

You’ll receive expert support and guidance on areas from nutrition to yoga, embodiment practices and somatic movement that guide you to return to your inherent wholeness.

My intention with each event is always for you to leave feeling more knowledgeable, supported and empowered to reclaim your innate capacity to experience greater joy, pleasure and intimacy with yourself and the world around you.


Ready to start your journey?