Your map to awakening pleasure and empowered sexuality in midlife through evidence-based knowledge, mind-body practices, expert and community support.

A 12 week online coaching experience supporting you to explore your sensuality, reconnect to your body, awaken your pleasure and ignite your confidence.

This space is where you step into your true power, owning your pleasure and purpose through perimenopause, menopause and beyond.

Envision THIS…..

Your eyes flutter open, a gentle start to your day, light patterns forming on the bedroom wall as the sun rises and shimmers through the curtains.

You can take your time, luxuriating in the comfort of your own skin.

The world can wait, this is your time.

Your favorite morning drink in hand, you make your way to a quiet corner of your home, where you wont be disturbed.

This is your time, your daily ritual, reconnecting with your body, your pleasure.

You take out your journal and hit 'play' on today's pleasure practice or journaling exercise.

Old shame and feelings of inadequacies melt away and you are left with a deep connection to self, gratitude and pleasure.

In this simple moment, you feel this new self love and exuding from your core, you feel whole, alive, free and confident within yourself.

I want this for YOU.

You deserve to know and trust your body and its power. To discover your body’s innate wisdom. To return to your sensuality and feel deep pleasure.

This is your opportunity to slow down, release body insecurities, own your desires and cultivate a deep intimacy with yourself and your relationships. This is a celebration of you.




  • Discover what it takes to release insecurity and shyness about your changing body.

  • Feel confident in accessing and owning your true desires, shame-free.

  • Learn about the pleasure that’s already deep within you, and discover practical ways to access it just for you.

  • Cultivate deeper intimacy with yourself and your relationships.

  • Invite pleasure and sensual aliveness into your everyday life.

  • Enhance your potential for sexual pleasure so that you experience more fulfilment and satisfaction.

  • Learn how to generate more sexual energy so that you feel lit up, nourished and enlivened.



Is Awakening Pathways To Pleasure for YOU?

Are you a Midlife Woman who wants to…

  • Feel empowered to navigate menopause and beyond with pleasure, power and purpose

  • Invite pleasure and sensual aliveness into your everyday life

  • Feel confident in accessing and owning your true desires, shame-free

  • Build a more loving relationship with your body from the inside out

  • Learn about the pleasure that’s already deep within you, and discover practical ways to access it (and amplify it) just for you

  • Cultivate deeper intimacy with yourself and your relationships

  • Discover how to enhance your orgasmic potential for more fulfilment and sexual satisfaction

  • Learn how to generate energy so that you don’t feel depleted and instead feel lit up, nourished and enlivened


Awakening Pathways to Pleasure is a first of its kind 12 week sexual wellness course for midlife women.

It is based on neuroscience and ancient wisdom, combining medical science and embodiment practices to connect you to the innate pleasure that is your birthright.

Think all the sexual education you were never taught in school plus the tried and tested tools and practices to have you confidently saying YES to your deepest desires and owning your pleasure and power in the second half of life.

There are many other benefits, experiences and reasons you might like to join Awakening Pathways to Pleasure. And not all of them can fit on this page! I recommend you read the testimonials below from previous members and feel free to reach out to me personally if you have questions about whether this program is right for you.

How Awakening Pathways to Pleasure Works:


What’s inside the program?

  • 6 self-paced modules packed with engaging lectures, tutorials, embodiment practices

  • 6 live group coaching calls, every 2 weeks to form community, connection and accountability

  • Private facebook group for sharing, celebrating wins and asking questions

  • Over 7 in depth lectures

  • 6 plus journaling practices

  • 8 plus embodiment practices

  • 8 plus specially curated playlists

  • Multiple breathwork practices tailored to your needs

  • Guided meditations to use in your own time

  • Live Q & A sessions with experts

  • We’ll be together for 12 weeks

  • Lifetime access to the content

IN ADDITION: As well as the 6 modules there are also 5 plus BONUS lectures from EXPERTS including: Dr Shahzadi Harper, Jo Darling and Samantha Evans

Bonus Experts:

Dr Harper

Dr Shahzadi Harper, MBBS MRCGP, is a qualified medical doctor from University College London, UCL with a 360-degree holistic approach to women's health, lifestyle and wellbeing. She is the founder of The Harper Clinic in London and the co-author of book, The Perimenopause Solution.

Samantha Evans

Samantha Evans​ is the co-founder of Jo Divine, an online sex toy company, which only sells skin safe sex toys and irritant free sexual lubricants. She featured on Davina McCall Sex, Myths and the Menopause on Channel 4. She passionately believes that pleasure is always possible and going through the menopause doesn’t mean life has to stop.

Felicia Reed

Felicia Reed is an award winning fashion-inspired portrait photographer celebrating women over 40. She is also a mindset coach and has the gift of guiding you to see all the unique parts of yourself and empowering you to fall in love with yourself again.

Kate Codrington

Kate Codrington is a menopause mentor, facilitator, artist, therapist and author of the book Second Spring: the guide to self-care for menopause. Amongst other things she host the podcast ‘Life - An Inside Job’ and co-founded co-founded Woman Kind facilitating retreats helping women to incorporate kindness into their lives.

Jo Darling

Jo Darling is an acclaimed women’s natural health specialist and acupuncturist. She also is founder and CEO of Menopoised, a first-of-its kind range of natural products specifically formulated for the menopause.


Awakening Pathways to Pleasure is a love letter from me to you. Why? Because I have stood where you now stand, I have felt that loss of the woman I once knew, I’ve seen my passion drift away. 

As I journeyed the traditional path of womanhood being all the things I thought were expected of me – the perfect mother, dutiful wife, pleasing and saying yes when I really meant no, I began to push down and ignore my own desires. I turned away from the things that gave me pleasure. Then menopause came along, my libido switched off, my body changed and I lost my confidence as the sensual and sexual woman I once knew. Pleasure for pleasure sake felt frivolous, superficial – it just didn’t matter.  

I felt numb for so many years while going through perimenopause – residing in the in-between place of not knowing who I was or who I was becoming. I was just going through the motions when it came to intimacy. Believe me numbness and intimacy don’t make good bedfellows – it’s no fun for anyone! 

The truth is we’re wired for pleasure… so if we get off track, disconnect we can gently find our way back home to our bodies, be able to stay there and experience meaningful and lasting change. We can find our way back to pleasure and experience more joy, aliveness and creativity in the second half of life. I know because I am living this now!   

I am a Certified Women’s Empowerment and Sexuality Coach with over 15 years experience guiding women to reconnect with their bodies, holding a safe space for self-exploration, self-knowing and self-trust. I have personally experienced how transformative the somatic based practices I share with you in this course can be for peeling away layers of tension, stress and returning to the woman I was always meant to be. 

Now at 56 years young and 5 years postmenopausal I feel at home in my skin, I accept and appreciate my body and recognise myself as a sensual and sexual being, not the 20-30 or even 40-year-old version. But the 56-year-old version who owns her pleasure, power and purpose and can communicate my desires from a place of truth and love.



The Modules, let’s get down to it:

  • Expanding our concept of pleasure; The Nervous System and its Role in Pleasure and Sexual Arousal; Practices for self regulation i.e. embodied movement, breath, touch

  • What are barriers to embodiment and pleasure. The role of emotions, shame and limited beliefs. Practices for Emotional Release, Body Appreciation, Cultivating Self Love

  • Sexual Anatomy; How the menopause transition affects our sexual health; Vaginal/Vulvar Care, Pelvic Floor Health. Red Flags; Medical Options; Practices for Befriending your Vulva.

  • Female Arousal Cycle, Exploring Types of Orgasms (clitoris, Gspot, Cervix, etc.), Toys/Wands, Building and Cultivating Sexual Energy.

  • Continuing your own self pleasure practice. Communicating your desires, Finding your Love Language & Erotic Blueprint

  • Sexual & Creative Power and how to integrate it into all aspects of your life; Writing your Pleasure Story.


Before I started this course I was sure I didn’t have time for ‘pleasure’. In fact the word, very rarely even featured in my vocabulary! However, this extraordinary course created by Gabriella changed that, and subsequently transformed my life. I have never felt comfortable talking about sex openly with men or women, and the biggest shift from me from this was a new-found confidence to do this in a way that felt easy and authentic. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to feel a greater connection to themselves or a partner, or who wants to feel more confident and knowledgeable about sex and pleasure.
— 🍓 Jess Rad, Founder, The WomenHood
My relationship to pleasure is now different from taking this course…I prioritise it. I have eliminated a lot of shame. I found it incredibly liberating to be able to discuss topics which have been seen as taboo in society for such a long time. Taking this course inspired me to speak openly with friends, initiate conversations with my partner, focus on the idea of pleasure and how to prioritise it in our lives; it is our life force and when I am thinking about it and considering it I feel alive and in tune with myself.
— 🍓 Maria
One of the biggest transformation from taking APP has been Telling my partner that we needed to try new things because I had been faking orgasms for a few years (together 16) and that is no good for ANYONE! We have tried new things and I can confirm that I am not faking them anymore! I most enjoyed the conversations, hearing the stories of other women, personal journeys and sharing insights. I would tell anyone considering the course to absolutely go for it and don’t hold back. We all secretly wish that we could be as honest and open as this all the time and here is a space where that is possible, how wonderful! The course highlighted that human connection is absolutely everything and communicating about our life force is a very powerful thing!
— 🍓 Clara
I took this course because I was ready to try something new and thought this would be a wonderful exploration of self-discovery. What feels different now since taking the course is that pleasure is important for my wellbeing, whether it’s a simple walk in nature, dancing to my favourite song, listening to what my body needs, physical touch. It’s embracing things that bring me joy. Being able to voice to my partner what gives me pleasure and vice versa has cemented a healthier marriage and sex life too!
— 🍓 Heather
The biggest transformation for me since taking this course has been… So much! I have become more confident with an ‘own your power’ vibe! I’m nicer to myself in terms of body positivity, more confident ‘in the bedroom’, and make sure that I make time for breath work from the exercises taught by Gabriella. I’m open to trying new things (some completely out of my comfort zone) whilst giving my energy a boost with things that light me up. I frequently engage in conversation with friends and family about the importance of pleasure, both physically and emotionally.
— 🍓 Rachelle
Gabriella is an incredible teacher/guide - with deep knowledge, empathetic and open mannerism, encouraging but never requiring engagement which leads to transformation for others. This course opened me to exploring, prioritising my own pleasure throughout my life. An understanding that this will make me a better and more fulfilled person for myself and others. I highly recommend anyone interested in inviting more pleasure into their lives to embrace the opportunity.
— 🍓 Lani
Gabriella really helped me orient towards my growing curiosity in my sexuality, rather than the lack that I had been feeling for a long time, which changed my lens of how I related to myself and my sexuality in a deeply healing way. I highly recommend anyone interested in diving deeper into this deeply personal journey to do so, Gabriella will help unlock doors and facilitate this vulnerable but fun territory in a safe and loving way.
— 🍓 Melanie
I would tell anyone considering the course to Go for it! You will learn and experience so much about what pleasure is and should be for a woman, especially in midlife. It’s a wonderful space for self-discovery, self-love and discussion. Thank you Gabriella for the wonderful opportunity. Awakening Pathways to Pleasure should be on every woman’s bucket list!
— 🍓 Rachel

Gabriella and her work has been featured in some of the most respected publications, such as:

7 day journal

Can’t wait for Pleasure? Get the FREE pleasure body journal now.

Level up your confidence both in and out of the bedroom with this FREE 7 day pleasure body journal. This is about how you feel, understanding and connecting with your body. It’s time to awaken your sensuality & pleasure in a nurturing and accessible way.