The Non-Linear Movement Method



The Non-Linear Movement Method®: Connecting to your Bodily Wisdom

The Non-linear Movement Method is a powerful somatic modality developed by Michaela Boehm. Somatic methods use the mind-body connection to help you survey your internal self and listen to signals your body sends about areas of pain, discomfort, or imbalance. These practices allow you to move with and release tension patterns and contractions and access information about the ways you hold on to experiences in your body. 

This practice is for women who want to reconnect with their body in midlife. For women who want to move through the physical and emotional challenges that perimenopause has brought to the surface. For women who want to reclaim their power. For women who want to re-establish a feeling of pleasure in their lives. For women who want to recalibrate their nervous system. For women who want to move intuitively through midlife and emerge as the best version of themselves.

The Benefits of The Non-Linear Movement Method


Regulates the nervous system

The NLM Method encourages an identifying and unwinding of the patterns of contraction and through gentle, non-forced movements relieves bodily tension and underlying mental loops. The result is a systematic, self-guided unburdening of the nervous system.


Processes and Identifies Emotions 

As the body unwinds and the mind relaxes you can note recurring emotional loops for further processing and at the same time allow emotions to simply rise and release.


Awakens the body to Aliveness and Pleasure 

Participants report an increased ability to connect through their body, both with themselves and others.


Releases Trauma Patterns into Flow

One of the results of traumatic experience is “freeze”, a state in which body, mind and emotions are stuck in a state of numbness. The NLM facilitates a continued movement, which gently opens the freeze pattern and allows for recognition and release of the underlying patterns.



By putting emphasis on movement and circumventing the analytical mind the natural intelligence of our bodies is accessed. 


My Story

When I discovered The Non-Linear Movement Method® I was experiencing many physical, mental and emotional changes caused as I was moving into perimenopause. I felt an increase sense of anxiety and overwhelm, my energy was lacklustre and my libido was non-existent. Once I started working with this method the way I felt in my body and about this new stage in my life began to shift as did my relationships and my outlook on life. I became so passionate about the benefits of The Non-Linear Movement Method that I became a certified teacher and now integrate this method into much of my coaching. I now aim to make the method accessible to you so that you can also reap the benefits.

What do I need to know?

  • The classes are only held as live sessions either 1-1 or group via zoom. I offer you a brief introduction to the Non-Linear Method and then guide you through a 45 min session with accompanying playlist. You will need a quiet space in which to practice and a yoga mat or comfortable surface. There will be time for Q & A at the end of each class.

  • Live classes are taught on the 1st and 15th of each month at 12pm US Central/6pm UK GMT.

  • Each class 45 minutes long.

  • Yes, this course does not require any experience. Each class can be done either standing, seated or lying down.

  • Upon purchasing, you will receive a zoom link to join the class live. No replays will be available you must attend live.


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Learn how to balance your hormones and take even better care of your health in midlife with this FREE hormone balance guide today.