How to boost your mental health in midlife, with everyday pleasures.

‘Appreciate the small things in life’, we’ve all heard this before, and I imagine perhaps found it a little trite or a flippant platitude that people say for the sake of it. 

But have you really considered the true impact of doing this? 

Midlife aside, when we don't appreciate the everyday pleasures, it can have a negative impact on our mental health. Here are a few ways in which not appreciating the everyday pleasures can impact mental health in midlife women:

  • Increased stress: When we don't take time to enjoy the everyday pleasures, we can become more stressed and overwhelmed. This is because stress is the body's response to a perceived threat, and when we don't give ourselves time to relax and de-stress, our bodies are constantly in a state of high alert.

  • Reduced mood: When we don't appreciate the everyday pleasures, our mood can suffer. This is because the things that bring us joy release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is associated with pleasure and reward. When we don't experience dopamine, our mood is less likely to be elevated.

  • Decreased resilience: Resilience is our ability to cope with stress and bounce back from setbacks. When we don't appreciate the everyday pleasures, our resilience can decrease. This is because the everyday pleasures can help us to maintain a positive outlook on life, which is essential for resilience.

  • Lower self-esteem: When we don't appreciate the everyday pleasures, it can lower our self-esteem. This is because we may start to feel like we don't deserve to be happy or that we're not good enough. Our bodies are changing, our children are growing up and moving out, and our careers may be winding down. All of these changes can be stressful and can have a negative impact on our mental health.

Appreciating the everyday pleasures is one of the things that can help us to cope with the challenges of midlife, but how and why is this the case?

  • It reduces stress hormones: When we experience positive emotions, such as joy and gratitude, our bodies release oxytocin and serotonin, which are hormones that have mood-boosting and stress-reducing effects. These hormones can help to counteract the negative effects of stress hormones, such as cortisol, which can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.

  • It activates the reward system: When we experience something pleasurable, our brains release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is associated with pleasure and reward. This dopamine release reinforces the behavior that led to the pleasure, making us more likely to repeat it in the future. This reward system is also involved in learning and motivation, which can have a positive impact on our overall well-being. When we appreciate the small pleasures in life, we are essentially training our brains to focus on the positive and to seek out rewarding experiences.

  • It improves cognitive function: Positive emotions can also help to improve our cognitive function. Studies have shown that people who experience more positive emotions tend to have better concentration, memory, and decision-making skills. This is likely because positive emotions increase the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a neuroprotein that is essential for the growth and maintenance of neurons. BDNF is also involved in synaptic plasticity, which is the ability of the brain to form new connections between neurons. By improving cognitive function, positive emotions can help us to think more clearly, make better decisions, and learn new things more easily.

  • It strengthens social relationships: When we share positive experiences with others, it strengthens our social bonds and promotes feelings of belonging and support. Social connection is a key factor in mental health, and people who have strong social ties are less likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. Appreciating the small pleasures in life provides us with opportunities to connect with others and to build stronger relationships.

  • More simply it can also provide a distraction from negative thoughts and emotions.

Here are a few tips for finding pleasure in those everyday moments in midlife:

  • Make a list of the everyday pleasures: Think about the small things in life that bring you joy. Make a list of these things and keep it somewhere where you will see it often.

  • Schedule time for the everyday pleasures: Just like you would schedule an appointment or a meeting, schedule time for the everyday pleasures. This will help you to make sure that you are taking care of yourself and that you are making time for the things you enjoy.

  • Be present in the everyday pleasures: When you are enjoying an everyday pleasure, take some time to really savor it. Be present in the moment and pay attention to all of the sensations.

If you’re interested in boosting your pleasure you can download my FREE pleasure checklist here, and the next time someone reminds you to slow down and smell the roses, really take the time to do so, you might find it boosts your mental health.


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